Step Away From That Box of Rid or Nix

I see people every week who are frustrated because they have treated their child (sometimes 3x) with pesticides such as Rid or Nix and the kiddo still has bugs.  It’s time and money wasted because the bugs are now resistant.  The latest study I read said only 30% of the bugs in your child’s hair will be killed (no matter how many times you treat) and the others will be unfazed because they have developed a resistance.  The little critters think they have won the battle until they meet me!  My oil kills all bugs within 30 seconds.  I have NEVER pulled out a bug that was still alive after treating with my oil and must say it’s very gratifying.  So, STEP AWAY FROM THE PESTICIDES and call me.  I can help you even if you prefer to DIY at home!

To find a Lice Nannies USA location near you click here. To purchase my lice treatment oil to treat lice at home visit this page.

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