Top 10 things you might not know about LICE

10.  If you are inspecting a child for lice and simply looking in their hair, you will likely miss 85% of the cases.  The best method is to “wet comb” for lice.  Instructions are listed on my blog.
9. Lice are not white, they are a grayish/tan color.  Some of the eggs/nits that have already hatched can appear whitish, but most of the nits are also gray/tan.  If you have brown hair, they blend in REALLY well.
8.  9/10 times when her child has lice, so does Mom 🙂
7.  Lice don’t care if your hair is super clean or super dirty.  They are equal opportunity infesters.
6.  Lice only need ¼ inch of hair to infest someone.  I have seen them in a 4 month old baby’s peach fuzz.
5. Lice do not live in your carpet, couch or home.  Anyone who sells sprays for your house is pushing an unnecessary product.  The CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics are all very clear on this topic.
4. Tea tree oil in shampoo or sprays most likely does nothing to repel lice.  If it makes you feel better to spray it in your child’s hair, go for it.  Research, however, shows you would have to soak the hair in it for it to repel or kill lice.
3. Lice don’t jump or fly.
2. If you child has lice, 99% of the time it was NOT from a hat, helmet, or even sharing brushes.  It’s from head-to-head contact with someone who has lice.  Lice do not leave their happy warm home (someone’s scalp) for a plastic helmet, brush or hat. If they do happen to fall off into one of these items, they are already dying and most likely cannot re-attach to someone new.
1. Lice are resistant to Rid and Nix (drugstore chemicals).  Studies show these chemicals kill approximately 40% of the bugs.  The rest happily reproduce in your child’s hair.

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