How to save $$$ when dealing with LICE

Top 4 Ways to Save $$$$$$$$ when dealing with Lice:

  1. If a lice treatment center sells sprays to “de bug” your home you should be highly suspicious of their integrity.The experts are very clear that lice DO NOT live in your home. They live on your head and that anyone who is selling a spray for your home is trying to take you for a ride.Be very suspicious.Ask them to show you documentation from an Entomologist or Research University that supports spraying your home for lice.They can’t because it does not exist.Then go buy yourself something fun with all the money you saved!
  2. Same goes for “Lice Repellent Spray or Shampoo”. They don’t work and people who sell them are taking advantage of a Mom in a time of stress.Move on to another center.
  3. Think twice before going to the store and buy Rid or Nix thinking it will help.It will only kill 40% of the bugs and the remainder are left to continue to reproduce.Save that money and call a professional.
  4. Be aware that by simply looking at your child’s head, you are likely to miss all but the most obvious (think LOTS of bugs) infestations.You need the right tools to properly identify lice.Call a professional.Research shows that even trained lice professionals miss the majority of mild to moderate cases without the proper identification tools.You cannot look at your child’s head with the naked eye and expect to catch the majority of cases.They are too small, too fast, and blend in too well.So you look, pronounce them clean and then they go on to infect the rest of your family and friends.
  5. Call me, The Dublin Lice Nanny.My prices are the lowest in town AND I teach you how to diagnose and treat lice on your own, so you are equipped to deal with it the next time you or a friend needs help.Extra bonus: I do not sell unnecessary sprays and shampoos.I get rid of the lice, period.I also save you a few bucks in the process and have a 100% guarantee that you will be lice free after following my treatment plan, or I will retreat for free (has yet to happen!)

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